Thar she blows!
by CanadianLyndsay on Mar.26, 2007, under z-Old Posts
Okay seriously. Having a time bomb in my abdomen is no fun. The twinges of pain are occurring more frequently and more severely. Please, please appendix – hold out just five more weeks. Five weeks and the nice man with the scalpal will set you free.
My appendectomy is scheduled for May 3 and I couldn’t be more excited. My first bout with appendicitis was in August 2003. That means I’ve been dealing with an irritable appendix for three and a half years. Far too long!! Of course, my last incident, about six weeks ago, I finally got a surgeon who offered to take it out. I declined, however, because of my new job. But now it is scheduled and it’s going sooooo slow!!
I have no idea what a burst appendix feels like. In the past day or two I’ve felt a lot of pressure pain in my abdomen. Hopefully I’m just bloated!! Geez. What woman HOPES to be bloated anyway?
Fingers crossed… five more weeks!!