Dropping the ball
by CanadianLyndsay on Apr.05, 2007, under z-Old Posts
Oohh, and I thought I’d gotten so good at remembering to update my blog.
It’s been a busy past few weeks. Thanks to the start of spring break for Calgary’s elementary school students, I was unable to get a flight to Winnipeg last weekend. Instead, I ended up at home in St. Catharines. It was a lot of fun, I had a great time with my parents and my sister and her boyfriend. But it was really really hard being away from Dave for so long, and I had a little meltdown when I got back to Calgary Monday night. So, since not many people were in the office, I decided to come home to Winnipeg on Tuesday night, and work from home on Wednesday and Thursday.
What a great decision. Except no work got done thanks to a nasty bout of food poisoning or 24-hour flu or something. I was able to do a bit of work, but not very much. Because of being sick, Dave and I were not able to fly to Toronto tonight for Easter weekend, but instead we will fly to Hamilton tomorrow morning. On Monday night, Dave will fly back to Winnipeg and I’ll fly back to Calgary.
I will post more about the weekend when we get back. I don’t really expect to post much this weekend, so y’all have a nice holiday!