Canadian Lyndsay

Lyndsay's Appendix – the saga continues

by on May.09, 2007, under z-Old Posts

As some of you know, my appendectomy was scheduled for Thursday, May 3.

While in Dallas a few weeks ago, I had my fourth appendix attack.  As I was in the states and did not have coverage for it (since it is a “pre-existing condition”), I suffered through.  This made me especially anxious to have my surgery.

The morning of May 3 came, we were 15 minutes away from leaving for Concordia Hospital when the surgeon’s assistant called – cancelled!  I guess Dr. Taylor had an emergency surgery at St. Boniface and had to cancel all five of his elective surgeries.

Now my surgery is rescheduled for Tuesday, May 15.  6 days away now!  Here’s hoping it comes fast and without any appendix drama!

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