Author Archive
Happy birthday to me
by CanadianLyndsay on Mar.21, 2007, under z-Old Posts
Today I turn 25. Whoopdy do!
The day has not started out all that fabulously. First of all, I was having a nightmare last night… during which I must have shut off my alarm. Thus, I did not wake up at 6:00 a.m…. no no, I woke up to my phone vibrating as Marshall called and asked why I stood him up at Starbucks this morning. Oops. It was 7:35 a.m. He was understanding. Apparently the several text messages he had sent me failed to wake me up. I am very glad he called. Who knows how late I would have slept.
Then I see that it has snowed and inch or two. Fabulous. My trip to Canadian Tire last night was unsuccessful as I was trying to buy a snow brush. So I sat in the car for a while waiting for my defroster to get rid of at least enough snow for me to be able to drive.
And lastly, I have a wicked sore throat. And of course, there was no time for Starbucks or Tims this morning.
Sigh. Woe is me!! Just kidding. I know how blessed I am. I received lovely emails from my mom and my in-laws. And birthday wishes from my coworkers. The day will get better. The high is 7 today, hopefully all this new snow will be gone by the afternoon.
Need a name for my car!
by CanadianLyndsay on Mar.20, 2007, under z-Old Posts
Last night I picked up my 2002 Sunfire. It is navy blue, which is awesome, because now I can deck it out in Winnipeg Blue Bombers stuff (blue and gold in case you don’t know).
But she needs a name. I would call her the Blue Bomber, but I don’t like calling things “bombers”. I suppose I could name her “Leah”, after Vince Leah, the reporter who first referred to them as “the Blue Bombers of Western football” in the 1930s.
I could call her Charlie… after Charles Roberts, the running back. Charlie could be a girl’s name, no?
 Thoughts and suggestions are welcomed and encouraged!!
Ode to Marshall
by CanadianLyndsay on Mar.19, 2007, under z-Old Posts
Despite Marshall’s resistance to devote a blog post to me, I am not so reluctant. And so here is my Marshall story.
Who is Marshall? Marshall is my cubical neighbour. He sits to my left. He has a rocket launcher sitting upon the wall that separates us. We didn’t always have a wall between us – oh no, until a week ago, we were free to make faces, chat, and throw things at each other. However, while said wall was being installed, Marshall and I had a lovely bonding experience as we worked from my laptop at a local Starbucks. What a fun day, and here’s a photo to prove it:
Marshall owns a web/print/graphic design company called SPRY Design Group. He very creative and talented. I hope to work with Marshall and his partner/brother Andrew with their search engine optimization needs. With brilliant minds like ours working together, how can it fail?
Both of us being from Winnipeg, even if I was only there for two years, Marshall and I have a special bond. Part of that bond includes being fans of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. Hopefully, this bond will lead us and our loved ones to attend the Labour Day Classic game in Regina together.
While our friendship is in its early stages, I am grateful and appreciative for Marshall in my life. I enjoy seeing how happy his lady makes him, and hearing about his hopes and dreams. Hopefully we can be friends for a long time.
One Month
by CanadianLyndsay on Mar.19, 2007, under z-Old Posts
It’s now been exactly one month since I started my new job with WestJet. It’s been a really great four weeks. I really enjoy my job, and have terrific coworkers. Marshall has become a friend outside of work, and it is to him that I owe my newfound love of Starbucks.
Now, I cannot really commit to writing 360 words a day, but if you are interested in such ramblings, please check out the blog
Ticket to Ride
by CanadianLyndsay on Mar.18, 2007, under z-Old Posts
Hanging out with my cousins is always fun because they have some really cool games. Games like Settlers of Catan, the Farming game (a monopoly like board where you grow and harvest crops), and Ticket to Ride, which we played last night. You build train routes across North America. It is definately nice to play a different sort of game.
We also visited our friends Susan and Mike yesterday, who have a sweet two-week old baby boy. He is absolutely adorable.
Today is all about laundry as I fly back to Calgary on the 6:00 flight. Tomorrow, however, will be madness as I attempt to get my drivers license changed to an Alberta license and get my new-to-me car registered.