Canadian Lyndsay

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Stresses of Moving

by on Mar.16, 2007, under z-Old Posts

I finally found a car to purchase. The deal has been made and I’m going to pick it up on Monday. I figure, surely it can’t be that difficult to buy a car in Alberta while maintaining my Manitoba residency right?

Wrong. So now I have to hurry up and get my Alberta drivers license because I need that before I can register my new-used car. OKay, but that can wait a few more days can’t it? Wrong again. My birthday is on Wednesday, which means my Manitoba license expires then. So really I have about two days to do the whole thing.

Which meant that I didn’t do nearly as much work from home in Winnipeg as I had expected because I had to spend the afternoon running around gathering drivers abstracts and letters of experience from both Manitoba AND Ontario. Plus I had to call Shaw and get some sort of paperwork saying my name and Alberta address. Since I was expecting to keep my Manitoba residency as long as possible, everything has my Manitoba address on it. Except, thank you Kristina!, my Shaw bill. Whew! Shaw faxed me a statement of account, I sure hope that’ll be enough.

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Weird Weather

by on Mar.13, 2007, under z-Old Posts

Okay, the weather in Winnipeg is brutally cold and there’s lots of snow.  After two years, it’s not a big deal to me.

But the weather here in Calgary is just WEIRD.  I mean, yesterday afternoon it was +13 degrees Celcius – a few hours later it started snowing and I woke up to 2-3 inches of snow on my (rental) car!

It snowed all morning and the sun came out and shined all afternoon. Madness.

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Social Networking

by on Feb.25, 2007, under z-Old Posts

Everyone knows that the web is my passion, one of my main reasons for living. In the past several years, I have administered and moderated many boards. At this point, I currently administer two forums – the Niagara Classic Mustang Club forum and MW, a private forum for Canadian ladies, of which I am part of a four-admin team.

But a few weeks ago, I took on a moderating position with a very busy forum, one that has close to 1000 visitors daily and several thousand posts. Although this is not a paid position, and the other mods are simply doing it for fun, I see it as more of a job, and a reference to follow. We will see how that works out. It’ll be a great challenge and I look forward to getting settled soon in Calgary to really dive into it.

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Late AGAIN??

by on Feb.25, 2007, under z-Old Posts

Yes, I am late once again updating my blog.  But wait a minute – I don’t have a deadline either.  So haha I’m not late, I’ve just left you in dramatic suspense.

So what’s the deal?  When last I wrote, I was tossing around the idea of taking the WestJet job.  As most of you probably know anyway, YES I accepted the job.

Week One of Lyndsay-now-works-for-WestJet is now complete.  Monday I had an all day orientation, and Tuesday got started out busy.  I had my photo ID done at the Hanger, and even started attending meetings that day.  There have been many meetings all week, and I LOVE my coworkers.  I really think I’m going to enjoy working here.  The days fly by and I find myself actually wanting to work on the weekends.  Of course I haven’t, yet, but I’m sure I will.

Right now it is Sunday night and I’m sitting in the airport waiting to board my flight to Toronto.  Yes, you read that right.  I’m already going on my first business trip.  Four of my colleagues and I will be in Toronto Monday and Tuesday for meetings with our media buying company.  We also will meet with our Google representatives, and I’m told we’re going to a Microsoft launch party as well.  Fun!  I’ll be back in Calgary by Tuesday.

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by on Feb.07, 2007, under z-Old Posts

In other news, the weather sucks.  And that’s all the news I really have because due to our outrageously cold weather, I have no left the house since Saturday night.  Yes, that is four days of being cooped up.  Tonight I will get Dave to drive me to the 7-Eleven so I can check my PO Box and mail a couple items.

Our remote starter also crapped out on us.  The good news is that it sounds like we might get it back in the next few days.  PHEW!!  It is a bad time to not have the remote starter.  If the guy can’t install it tonight after Dave gets off work, I’ll have to take it in tomorrow.  Which means going out in the cold weather… wahhhh… but it’ll be worth it to have the remote starter back up and running.

Oh what is our weather?

Well we’re maintaining about -40 degrees C, which, for my American friends, is also -40 degrees F.

And just to really scare you, we actually hit -63 degrees F a couple nights ago.  BRRR!!!  My southern Ontario body was not designed for such frigid weather.  Bring on the chinooks in Calgary!

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