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WestJet Update
by CanadianLyndsay on Feb.07, 2007, under z-Old Posts
It’s funny how things work out sometimes. Just a few days after my long post about how I figured I would turn down the WestJet job if it were offered to me, they called.
Let’s back it up a bit though, shall we?
I had my interview at the University last Tuesday, and it went pretty well. I was pleased to see that my friend Susan worked in the office right next door. It all seemed perfect. That afternoon, I immediately wrote and mailed a handwritten thank you note.
The next day, the recruiter from WestJet called and asked if I was still interested. I hmmm’d and hawww’d because I really thought I would turn it down. But I did say I was still interested, because I certainly didn’t want to close that door until I knew for sure!
I called a few friends and colleagues to talk about it… and one, Wade Miller, who runs a staffing agency and KNOWS who the good employers in Western Canada are, told me that without a doubt the better choice is WestJet. He strongly advised not to get stuck at the university.
Thursday I heard from WestJet, and yes, I was offered the job. I asked for a few days to think before accepting, as I wanted to talk to Dave. This would mean huge things for us – major changes. Dave, no surprise, being the wonderful man that is he, supported me 100% and has agreed that if all is going well after six months or so, he would move to Calgary and we would make that our home.
And so, Monday morning, I emailed the director and HR recruiter with my acceptance. Life is now a flury of looking for a roommate, finding out about bus routes, contemplating buying a vehicle (which hurts since I just sold my Mustang!), etc. etc.
I hope to head to Calgary this weekend to start looking into some places. Dave’s cousin Michael has graciously agreed to let me stay with him for a few days while I try to get this all figured out.
So that’s where things are! In a few weeks, I will be a WestJet employee. I’m excited and scared – but a good scared! I’ve moved provinces before, I am sure I can do it again pretty painlessly.
Way to go Peyton!!
by CanadianLyndsay on Feb.05, 2007, under z-Old Posts
Yesterday my beloved Peyton Manning not only lead his team to become SUPERBOWL CHAMPIONS!! But he also received the MVP trophy.
I became a Peyton fan just before the start of this season, and cheered to the Colts all season long. I am THRILLED to have seen them go all the way.
I would have been okay with the Bears winning though, since University of Manitoba alumn Israel Idoniji is the first Manitoban to ever play in an NFL Superbowl game! I think most of Winnipeg was rooting for Chicago, but Dave and I kept up support for Peyton in the quiet privacy of our own home.
WestJet Musings
by CanadianLyndsay on Jan.27, 2007, under z-Old Posts
So, WestJet hasn’t called yet… but I’m thinking that’s okay. While I was in Ontario, and even after, I really started to think about what would be required for me to live in Calgary during the week, and in Winnipeg on the weekend.
I mean, first there’s the added expense. The job itself is quite a nice pay hike and would be FABULOUS if the job was in Winnipeg. But it’s not. If I was REALLY careful, I could probably still save some money even with having to pay rent in two places. But who wants that stress?
The building where the department is located is on a bus route, but in a rather remote location. I don’t think I’d be comfortable busing around, so I’d need a car. Nothing more than a beater, but that’s still a few grand, plus insurance. And the issue of if I would have to surrender my Manitoba license for an Alberta one.
There’s the issue of stress of travelling. I love to fly, but after all the flying I’ve done over the past six months, the novelty is wearing off fast. Not that I don’t enjoy it still, I just don’t get butterflies of excitement anymore.
And of course, the stress on having a long distance relationship. Dave and I are close to getting engaged, and hopefully we’ll start trying for kids right after we get married. What happens when I’m pregnant? How will I commute in my third trimester? What about after mat leave? How do I leave my child for 5 days at a time, every week?
So, with all those factors and even a few more little ones, it would have to be one helluva great offer for me to take it. Given that it’s been more than two weeks since my interview, I’m thinking no offer is even coming. Although that’s disappointing, it certainly makes the decision easier.
End of January Updates
by CanadianLyndsay on Jan.27, 2007, under z-Old Posts
Well, unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of updates to make. I had my interview with WestJet on January 10, which I thought went alright. Nothing spectacular, but it was alright. I really enjoyed meeting the people who interviewed me and I certainly would enjoy working for WestJet. But I realized, as I flew three times within 24 hours, that the pressure of commuting by air might not be all it’s cracked up to be.
Three flights you ask? Surely a trip from Winnipeg to Calgary can be done in two flights. And yes that’s true. However, I made a rather impromptu decision to fly home for a while. So impromptu that after getting home from Calgary, I was only in Winnipeg for 10 hours before flighting off to Hamilton.
I had a great time at home, even got to enjoy a day or two of their very mild weather before the cold and snow I’d abandoned in Winnipeg followed me into Ontario. Unfortunately, due to my quick decision to come home and the bad weather on the weekend I was there, I wasn’t able to contact my friends and family outside of the Niagara Region for a visit. Sorry Stef and Jay!! Next time!
Following my trip home, I had an interview with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. That one was very strange, with questions that really threw me off balance and thus made for an interview that probably had a lot of room for improvement. But given the vibes I got, I’m not so sure I would want to work there anyway. They haven’t called yet – nor have WestJet, as I realized I neglected to mention above.
So here’s where I’m at. I’ve had two job interviews, neither of which were anything spectacular, but the WestJet one certainly wasn’t bad either. Without hearing from either employer, I started to get a little down again – until I got a surprise call yesterday morning from the University of Manitoba.
It was a position I applied for almost two months ago, one I thought I’d be very good at. A few days after I applied, however, the job was reposted and I figured that meant they didn’t like the applicants they had received the first time, and decided to repost. Well I guess I was wrong and now I have an interview on Tuesday morning. I am VERY excited about this – it has all the criteria I was looking for in a job. Web related, good reputable employer, and in Winnipeg.
So here’s hoping the third time’s a charm and this is the one that will work out.
Job Interview
by CanadianLyndsay on Jan.02, 2007, under z-Old Posts
Well holy crap. I got an interview with WestJet. For maybe the most fabulous job ever. But it is in Calgary!! Okay, before I stress out too much about that, I should probably just get the interview overwith. I’m not sure when it is yet, we have to coordinate with a whole bunch of people. I just heard back though, they’re going to fly me out there. Which, of course, I assumed. I think I wouldn’t have bothered with the interview if an airline couldn’t fly a candidate out and no cost to her.
I am excited and SCARED!