Whose phone number is that?
by CanadianLyndsay on Mar.13, 2010, under Resources
You know how sometimes you get a call and you don’t know who it is, so you race to Google and search that number and hope a result comes up. And many times, it doesn’t.
So, here’s a list of numbers that I’ve encountered this problem with, and the resulting person on the other end. I’ll add to this list as I find more.
204-927-4263 – Goodlife Fitness
204-989-9888 – Ashley Furniture
1-800-395-8813 – Rogers Telemarketing
1-888-764-3771 – Rogers Telemarketing
1-877-343-3683 – Royal Bank (RBC) Telemarketing
1-888-236-6283 – Canadian Blood Services